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Accessibility Strategy - Phase 2

Accessibility Strategy - Phase Two Survey

Thank you for agreeing to take this survey. It will take at least 15-20 minutes to complete. Going forward and backward in the survey to change an answer is possible. If you need more time to complete the survey, the survey can be saved and you can continue filling it out later.

If you need help to complete the survey, please call 311, the City’s information line, where an agent will help by typing your answers to the survey. Please note this option will require additional time to complete, up to 45 minutes or longer.

All surveys must be completed and submitted by June 30th.

The City uses the term “persons with disabilities” to include:
People who experience physical, mental health, cognitive, communication, intellectual, sensory, or age-related impairments.
People with lived experience of mental health challenges or substance-use related disabilities.

The term disability is complex. Some people identify with the term disability and some do not. The reason some people do not is because of negative stereotypes about disability. Others find identity and community using the term. 

The term accessibility is complex. One definition used is “the absence of barriers that prevent individuals and/or groups from participating, contributing and benefiting in all aspects of society.” Accessibility means different things to different people. People do not have to be from the disability community to experience inaccessibility. For the purposes of this survey, we mean accessibility for persons with disabilities.
1. Please tell us how you are a part of the disability community (check all that apply):