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Growing up in Vancouver: Today and Tomorrow

Growing up in Vancouver: Today and tomorrow

Remember the 10 Provisional Goals of the Vancouver Plan? (Don’t worry - you can always look back on that content if you don’t!) We like to think about the Vancouver Plan goals as helping to make the city more just, more fun, and more green. We’ll explore each of those themes a bit below and give you a chance to share your ideas for a Just, Fun, and Green future!

You can complete all 3 sections of this survey at once, in 3 parts, or just look through and answer any questions you want to. All questions are optional.

As a reminder, the 10 Provisional Goals of the Vancouver Plan are:
  1. Advance a City of Reconciliation through Decolonization
  2. Create an Equitable, Diverse and Inclusive City
  3. Become a Sustainable and Carbon-Neutral City
  4. Ensure we are a Prepared, Safe and Resilient City
  5. Develop an Affordable City with Diverse and Secure Housing for every resident that they can afford with 30% or less of their household income.
  6. Support a Diverse and Healthy Economy
  7. Create Complete, Connected and Culturally Vibrant Neighbourhoods
  8. Re-Establish Thriving Urban Natural Systems.
  9. Intentionally Manage our Growth and Align our Efforts Regionally
  10. Demonstrate Transparency in Decision-Making and Collaborate with Partners

Before we get into city-specific questions we would like to know a few things about you so we can better understand how kids and teenagers think about Vancouver.

We also want to assure you that this survey is not a school test – every answer is ‘correct’. The survey will also be fully anonymous – that is when you submit it, nobody will know that you are the one who filled it out. The survey will never ask for your name or address, or any other identifying information. You also can skip any questions and either return to them later or leave them blank.

The following questions will help us know if we received ideas from many different kids – that is, did we hear from many age-groups (not just say 16-19 year-olds) and did we hear from boys, girls and gender diverse groups as well.

2. Your gender:
5. Do you identify as IBPOC (which means Indigenous, Black or a Person of Colour)?
Part 1: A Just City for Everyone

What does it mean to be a Just city? There’s no one right answer, but we know that Vancouver should be a city where everybody can live, grow, and thrive! We are a city built on Indigenous land. We are also a diverse city with people of many different backgrounds and identities, so there are lots of different people and needs to think about - we want a city that is good for people of all races and ethnicities, gender identities, ages, abilities, and more!

These aren’t brand new goals for the city, and a lot of work has already been done on them, even though there is lots more to do! We can start with a quick review of some of the things that have already happened

7. Have you ever noticed these things around the City (check all that you have)?
  • * This question is required.
FAST FACT! In 2014 Vancouver adopted a Reconciliation Framework, which has 3 long-term goals: Strengthening local First Nations and Urban Indigenous relations, promoting Indigenous peoples arts, culture, awareness, and understanding, and incorporating First Nations and Urban Indigenous perspectives for effective City services. You can learn more about the Framework here.

Now that we’ve seen a little bit about what the city has done, let’s think about what else we might like for the future. You can answer any of these questions that you want to - if you don’t want to answer a question, it’s ok to skip it.
9. When you look around Vancouver, what kinds of things help you to know and understand that this is Indigenous land?
  • * This question is required.
10. What ideas about increasing Indigenous visibility in Vancouver do you most want to see?
  • * This question is required.
12. How child or youth friendly do you think Vancouver is now? (Child or youth friendly can be whatever it means to you - overall, it means a place where it's good to grow up and be a kid!) 
Not Child/Youth Friendly
The best place to be a kid!
17. What kinds of housing do you like seeing around the city? Please select from the following images.
18. Rank in order which type of housing you think is best for children, teens and their families? Order the items from the following list. First select an item with the spacebar to show a menu of possible ranking positions. Next, click a ranking position to order it in the ranked list. Note the menu will display more ordering options as you add items to the ranked list.
20. The city has committed to providing more affordable housing - Have you noticed any of these in your travels around the city?  Please select from the following images.
22. The City wants to hear what younger people think! For the Vancouver Plan we want youth to be part of the process and have a say. Which ideas do you think would work well to reach younger people and get their opinions? Please select from the following images.
Part 2: A Green City for Everyone

We want Vancouver to be a sustainable city. Have you ever heard that idea before? In short, it means a city where the environment and humans are healthy.  In other words: where all creatures and ecosystems (like people, plants and animals) live well today and can continue to live well in the future. In a sustainable city humans take care of the natural world and the natural world takes care of us.

The City has been thinking about sustainability for a while - you might have heard about Vancouver's "Greenest City Action Plan" or other things like this. We'll start with a quick review to see what you might have already noticed Vancouver doing to achieve these goals!
25. Have you noticed any of these changes?
  • * This question is required.
FAST FACT! One major goal of the City’s is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to slow climate change. One thing the City is doing to work on this is improving our active transportation network - this means making walking, biking, rolling, and taking transit easier and better for everyone! You might have noticed changes like separated bike lanes, or new Rapid Buses. In recent years, private-car use has been going down in Vancouver, and sustainable transportation has been increasing.

Moving forward, let’s imagine what we want for Vancouver in the future! You can answer any of these questions that you want to - if you don’t want to answer a question, it’s ok to skip it.
27. How do you usually get around the City:
Space Cell CarBus / SkytrainBike / RollWalk
To the park
To the library
To the Community Centre
To your school
To your friends house
To shops in the neighbourhood
28. What's your favourite way to get around the city? Please select one of the following images.
29. What is your favourite sustainable way to get around the city? Please select one of the following images.
30. On most days how do you travel to school? Please select one of the following images.
31. Is it easy for you to walk/bike/roll to school or in your neighbourhood?
33. Is it easy to take public transit to your school?
35. There are a range of things that could make transit easier or more appealing for people to use. In Victoria and Toronto one of those incentives has been free transit for people under 18. Here in Vancouver, public transit is controlled by TransLink (which is regional), however if we were looking for ideas to pass onto to them, this could be one of them. If transit was free for youth would you take it more?
37. The City being resilient means being able to handle, and recover from, difficult situations (or stressors) - like a pandemic or an earthquake, or other challenges that might be felt by specific communities more than the general population. Which of the following are you most worried about? Choose the three you are most worried about
  • * This question is required.
41. Part of being a sustainable and resilient city is making sure there are good jobs and economic opportunities for people here - you might hear this called a "healthy economy". Are you a youth who is currently employed in Vancouver?
42. Would you like to be employed in Vancouver as a young person (a teen)?
42. How do you think youth employment can be supported?
Part 3: A Fun City for Everyone

Did you know that Vancouver has had a reputation as a being a no fun city? We want to use the Vancouver Plan to help make sure that in the future, our city is a fun place for everyone to live, grow, and thrive! The Vancouver Plan goal about “complete neighbourhoods” is all about making sure that every neighbourhood in the city is awesome and has everything the people in it need. And this includes PLAY! 

The city has been working on making every neighbourhood awesome, and adding more opportunities for fun, for quite a while. You might have noticed some things like…
46. Ever seen any of these new fun things around Vancouver? Please select from the following images.
FAST FACT! Vancouver’s very first official playground was donated to the city by Grace Ceperley in the 1920s. There’s still a playground in the same place you can visit today (although it’s not the same exact one!) Next time you visit Second Beach in Stanley Park, check out the playground and see if you can find the plaque about Grace Ceperley!

Now let’s imagine the City’s fun future! You can answer any of these questions that you want to - if you don’t want to answer a question, it’s ok to skip it.
50. On average how much time do you spend outdoors versus indoors afterschool?
51. How much time do you wish you could spend outdoors versus indoors after school?
52. How has the COVID-19 pandemic changed how much time you spend outdoors?
53. We know lots of young people have fun on playgrounds...but not all playgrounds are the same! Which of these designs do you prefer? Please select from the following images.
54. Are there fun things to do in your neighbourhood or do you usually go somewhere else to have fun?
Lots to do
No fun
56. Is this also your nearest or local park or greenspace?
57. How long does it take for you to walk or bike/roll to your nearest local green space?
Space Cell WalkBike / Roll
Less than 5 minutes
6 - 10 minutes
11 - 15 minutes
More than 15 minutes
58. How often do you go to this local green space?
59. What things would you add to your favourite park or green space? Please select from the following images.
60. Nature in green spaces can have lots of different looks! Which of these types of spaces do you want to see the most of around the city? Please select from the following images.